Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

All is calm, all is bright. Jesus is born. As the song continues and says sleep in heavenly peace He is not sleeping in Heavenly peace.

The bible says that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father daily making intercession for us. The babe in the manger prays on our behalf. How cool is that.

As I am writing this it is the eve of Christmas. Don't let  Christmas end for you. With Jesus in your heart you will have Christmas everyday.

I pray everybody everywhere has the best Christmas ever.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Two weeks till Christmas

What does Christmas mean to you? I pray that to you it means Jesus born in a stable.

Some look at Christmas as the busiest time of the year. All the baking, shopping and decorating. All that is good as long as Jesus is remembered.

Some look at Christmas and want to change it from Christmas to Holiday.

Some look at Christmas as what God meant it to be.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to us.

I have my tree up and the house decorated I even just had my Christmas party as I have for four years now. I know what Christmas means to me. I don't do much shopping but I love to go to the stores and walk around and listen to the music. Actually I sing along.

It is overwhelming to think of how much God love us but let me tell you that if you were the only person on this earth God would of still sent Jesus. That is how much He loves you.

My girls are grown and sometimes we aren't all together on Christmas. My husband and I are talking about taking in a movie. There might be somebody there I can witness to or just have a kind word for them.

So do you know Jesus as your Saviour? If you don't it is quite simple. Just talk to Him. Say a prayer something like this:

Father,  I thank you for sending Jesus for me. Forgive all my sins. Jesus come into my heart and be my Saviour.  Amen.

How hard was that? You probably said a prayer like that back in your younger day when your parents forced you to go to religion classes. The difference is that back then you said it because you were told to say it. Now you said it because you wanted to.

I pray you all have the best blessed Christmas ever!


I am sure it has happen to you at some time when something good has happen to you somebody says to you that it was luck.

If you are a christian let me tell you what I heard today. I heard somebody today name the letters for the word luck and it is so good.

L - laboring
U - under
C - correct
K - knowledge

In God we don't have luck. As I have said before we have favor. Also since when we do things we are doing them or laboring for God with His knowledge since our steps are ordered by the Lord. So that makes alot of sense to me. Laboring under correct (God's) knowledge. The bible also says we have the mind of Christ.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Faith Confession

Below is a confession of faith that I wrote out and thought I would share with all of you. Read it daily and you will have what it says. God wants you saved, healed and prosperous.

My steps are ordered by the Lord. I have more than enough time to do what needs to be done. I will learn to delegate as I need to so everything gets done.

I am totaling trusting God for everything. I am not settling for where I am. I’m a child of the Most High God. I’m full of His can-do power, and I’m going to rise up to become everything God has created me to be.  He holds me in the palm of His hands.

I am talented. I am creative. I am greatly favored by God. I am equipped. I am well able. I will see my dreams come to pass.

Jesus is my source! As I live by faith, He supplies all my needs, my wants, my health care, my finances and my eternal future. My life is built on the sure foundation of God’s Word… I live according to Faith, Hope and Love! My life is easy and light… Jesus has made it so!

I am a tither and a sower in the Kingdom of God so nothing can limit my income. The blessing is a heavenly empowerment and it’s on me for the rest of my life. Proverbs 10:22 The blessing will make me rich. 
I am wealthy, well off, well to do, prosperous, loaded, successful, I have plenty, I have abundance, I live ravishly, I am very productive, I am rich in resources and capable of producing an abundant harvest.
I am supposed to be healed! I am supposed to prosper! I am supposed to triumph in Christ Jesus! I am supposed to overcome the world! I look up and I cheer up!
My Lord has everything in control. I won’t be afraid. I cast all my cares. Jesus is in me therefore I will be successful. Devil you are already whipped.  I am clothed in a heavenly empowerment that enables me to excel and to go beyond all limitations in Jesus name. God has a wonderful plan for me in Jesus name and it came to pass.

Thank you Lord that this is all possible by Your grace and Your promises. When I say Amen You say done...Thank You for everything and loving me as You do.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Change! What can I say about it. I can say we don't like it. We all have our own habits what we are use to so when change pokes it's head in we don't want anything to do with it.

My husband use to walk outside all the time. In the morning he would get up and go for a two mile or so walk before he went to work. He walked the same way everyday. Through downtown and over the bridge. When he would get accross the bridge there were some old taverns. One day when he was walking in front of the taverns he found two twenty dollar bills. He was so excited. God blessed him on his walk. After that when I wanted to walk some other way he didn't want to. He always wanted to walk in front of those taverns looking for more money.

I believe God blesses us over and over again. Not to often though does He bless us the same way twice. Change is good and comes from God. Over the years I have watched my husband be blessed again and again. I catch him watching for the next blessing the same way the last one came. It never happens that way.

I believe when we think that we have God all figured out He will change things to show us we don't.

To me it shows God has a sense of humor. I pray and believe Him for things and I think about how He might bring it to pass. It never comes the way I was thinking.

I am glad of that because even though the bible says we have the mind of Christ God's mind is much better than ours.

So the next time God upset's your comfort zone for change just let it happen. Change comes to improve our lives.

I am so glad that God never changes. The bible says He is the same yesterday today and forever.

If your looking for a change in your finances be sure to check out my business. Click on the link on the right side of page wealth in today's world.

Have the best day!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thanksgiving is this week. A time for family and friends to get together have a big meal and visit. My girls are grown and as of right now are not married so there are no grandchildren either. They are doing there own thing for the holiday.

My husband and I are on our own to do whatever we want to do this Thanksgiving. Maybe we will take in a movie or wonder a store that might be open.

I celebrate thanksgiving everyday. I am thankful to my God for every good gift from above.

Sometimes I think we get so wrapped up in the things that we don't have in life that we forget to be thankful for the little things we get everyday. I try to remember the little things. A gallon of milk, loaf of bread, soap and hot water. The little things that help us to get through our day.

My husband went hunting this weekend and I put aside everything that I might of been planning to do to spend the day with my daughter. Then since my husband was hunting on her property I rode back with her to ride back home with him. Life doesn't get any better than that. The little things.

With God all things are possible. I know that I love that and enjoy that.

Anyway I am thankful for you that might be reading this right now. I pray that you will always have everything that you will ever need in this life. Remember God loves you and wants to give you what you need.

Have the best Thanksgiving ever!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hunting Season

Gun deer hunting season is this week. My husband is excited about it. I see he has all his things ready in the basement days before he is going. I myself don't see the excitement in the sport. Sitting in a tree in the cold watching and praying for a deer to come your way.

That is sort of what our job on this earth is as Christians. We don't have to be in the cold or sitting in a tree but we need to be watching and ready to tell others about Jesus. I love to encourage others with the message that I heard some 27 years ago.

I often wonder how my life would be different without my personal relationship with my Lord. I see people in the world and how they live without Jesus and I don't want any part of it. People without the knowledge of the God of the bible are just living their life wondering about the after life. They are afraid some are poor and most are unhappy.

When Jesus walked this earth He probably had chances to be afraid but He wasn't. He also wasn't poor as some say that He was. They shook dice for His garment when He was on the cross because it was woven all in one piece. Back in bible days if your garment was one piece you were considered rich. How could people even think that He was poor knowing God was His Father. Let me remind you that God owns everything so if your in Him everything He has is yours.

So if you are one of those unhappy people  today make up your mind that you will change that. That old saying life is to short might be a good saying but I will add to that. Life is to short to be unhappy. Normally it is people and circumstances that tend to make us unhappy. Over the years I have learned that when you encounter somebody that is not kind to you instead of getting upset or offended think about what that person might be going through that would make them mean. Maybe they just lost a love one, there job or they are just lonely. We have know idea what others go through in this life so reach out to them even if they have a bad attitude. Most of the time we can reach out to people without even mentioning the name Jesus but in our actions Jesus is seen.

So decide to stay happy in the Lord and reach out to others as the time is short. You may be the only Jesus they will ever see.

So as my husband goes out this Super Saturday and shots his buck my prayer is that every hunter bags his buck also.

I heard this from someone else about the days of the week.
Mon. is marvelous Monday.
Tues. is terrific Tuesday.
Wed. is wonderful Wednesday.
Thurs is tremendous Thursday.
Fri. is fabulous Friday.
Sat. is super Saturday.
Sun. is splendid Sunday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Christmas is near

We are having a beautiful fall day in fact the last few days. Everyday is a beautiful day but I mean we are in Nov. and no jackets.

I brought my Christmas Tree up from the basement today. I love just having the lights on it. Jesus is the light of the world. I start now and do little by little decorating. My husband and I have a open house the second Sat. of Dec. so I have to be ready.

Christmas is the best time of the year. You can talk about Jesus to people and they don't think that you are nuts.

I am helping a neighbor out watching their children and the other day the four year old and I were talking. She already has her Christmas songs out and we were listening to them. We were talking about Jesus and I asked her if she knew that Jesus wasn't a baby anymore. She told me she hadn't heard that. I told her Jesus was a man like her daddy was. I'll tell you kids can be so cute when they open there mouth.

As we come into Thanksgiving and Christmas lets remember that He isn't a babe in a manger anymore He is our Saviour. He is seated at the right hand of the Father and daily makes intercession for all of us.

Just a little nugget for now about Christmas because as those who can't get past tradition I have been told that we have Thanksgiving first.

I don't know about you but I have Thanksgiving everyday. God is so good.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Psalm 91 by Pastor Greg Dickow

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and My fortress, My God in whom I trust!"(verse 1,2)

Father, I thank You that because I take up permanent residency in You, I live in the protection of El Shaddai, God Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand!

For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper; and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. (verse 3,4)

Because I say with my mouth, "You are my refuge," then You will deliver me from everything designed to hurt me, my family and my love ones!

You will not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day; of the pestilence that stalks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noon. (verse 5,6)

Because I say with my mouth, "You are my God," I will not fall, for You are able to make me stand no matter what is going on around me!

No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone.

You will tread upon the lion and cobra, the young lion and the serpent you will trample down. (verse 10-13)

Father I thank You that my trust is in You and Your Word. I trust in You. I attach myself to You. In You I have divine protection. No evil will come upon me, no plaque, calamity or disaster can come near my body, my home, my finances or my possessions.

In Jesus Christ I have authority over all the power of the enemy!
Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high because he has known My Name.

He will call upon Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him; with a long life I will satisfy him. And let him behold my salvation. (verse 14-16)

Father, I thank You that You are with me in trouble and You deliver me. I walk securely in an insecure world because You set me on high and because You said You will never leave me nor forsake me, no never!

In Jesus Name, Amen!

This is so good. Psalm 91 starts with telling you that if you are in Him what will follow you. Pay close attention. Did you notice what follows all kinds of promises. I don't know about you but before the return of Jesus things are going to be more and more evil. I am so glad to have the promise of protection. Are you in His shelter and under His Shadow? If not I suggest you get there. Just ask Jesus to live in your heart and forgive your sins. Find a good church, tap into every good thing the internet offers concerning christian ministries and read your bibles.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God doesn't punish you

Today I heard someone say please God don't punish me. I told her that God doesn't punish people and she said I know. So which is it? He does or doesn't.

I believe with all my heart that God doesn't punish anybody. John 3;16 For God so loved the world that He gave and He is still giving. I know that God gets the blame for alot of things most of which are self inflicted by us.

The home we live in now right after we moved in my husband fell from the ladder. I heard it and went to his aid. I didn't for one moment say or think God how could this happen. I know how it happened. He was on to small of a ladder and he was on the top step, you know the step they say not to stand on. Anyway we went to the emergency room because he broke his arm.
That wasn't a good thing that happened but their is always good to come of something that was meant for evil.

My husband still works the same job that he has worked since high school. He has been there a long time. He drives the truck and nobody else knows how. He is very respected there but he never got any time off because they needed him. In the three months that he was home his work found out that they could get along without him. They had to make sacrifices but they made it work. He had short term disability so we had income for that time. It wasn't as much as he makes but we had income. We continued to tithe and I was working and we had all our needs met. In fact we even bought a new dinning room set at the time. Nothing changed in our needs.

The devil meant it for evil and I know that because the second part of the story is that he was on the ladder trying to put this big thick piece of plywood in the garage attic. When he fell and I went to him I looked for that piece of plywood. It was caught on the molding at the top of the ceiling. I am sure that the devil wanted it to fall on top of him. If that would of happen the accident might have been a whole lot more serious.

God is with us 24/7 you just have to know that. We need to always look for the good when bad things happen and they will. God is not the author but He is the finisher. Always trust Him you will never be disappointed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jesus all we need

Jesus is the Son of God. He is the Word made flesh, the fulfillment of prophecy, your teacher, your preacher, your healer, your strength, your gift from God.

God sent His only Son to this earth to live and then die for all of us. He didn't have to come but He did. He walked this earth doing miracles over and over again. Some didn't believe it then and some don't believe it now but God is still the same yesterday, today and forever.

Then He died a brutal death on a cross. The amazing thing about it is that all we needed was salvation but instead of stopping at salvation He died and gave us the whole package Salvation, Healing & Prosperity. The bible says He went into the pit of hell and took the keys of the kingdom away from the devil. Then God rose Him from the dead and sent part of Him His Holy Spirt to live in us to guide us, teach us, protect us, counsel us, whatever we need.

I don't know about you but I am glad and thankful in these last days for what Jesus did for us. If you don't know Him as your Saviour now is a good time to ask Him to live in your heart, forgive your sins and be YOUR Saviour.

Take everything God wants to offer you because of the blood of Jesus. He wants to give it to you. His barrel is full.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Holy Communion

I heard a wonderful teaching on Communion from two different Pastor's. There both good. Here are the notes. As a child Communion was just a ritual for me. I never understood what it was all about. It is sorta a ritual but you should know why you are taking it.

We need to get personal about taking Communion. Almost like seeing Jesus Himself giving it to us. Picture Jesus on the cross and all your stuff on Him. His brokenness made us whole. The elements that you use for Communion don't really matter but the Passover bread when it was made was beaten, burned, striped and pierced. So was Jesus as we all know.

Understand communion and don't take it in a unworthy manner. Discern the body of Jesus, what He did for us on the cross.

1 Corinthians 11:29-30 For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgement to himself, if he does not judge the body rightly. For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep. (Judgement doesn't mean God's wrath)

When it talks about taking communion in a unworthy manner it has nothing to do with sin. In the Bible they were getting drunk and treating the bread like it was a meal instead of the symbol it is suppose to be. (1 Corinthians 11:20-22)

Colossians 1:14 in whom we have the forgiveness of sins. We have health and wholeness in Communion.

A piece of bread can change to good forever. Discern His body and everything He did on the cross for you, they didn't do that in Corinthians that's why some were sick or dead.

Remember get personal about communion. Picture Jesus carrying all your stuff on the cross. Jesus dying on the cross is greater than anything you will ever go through in this world. His brokenness makes us whole. Luke 6:19

Psalm 32:5 says in the presence of our enemies so you can take communion with unbelievers as well as with your enemies. Judas was at the table when Jesus took communion and the devil was in him. Jesus knew what was coming and on the night He was betrayed He took communion. (Take communion in the major moments of your life). Mark your problems with communion no matter if there physical, financial, spiritual and when hell breaks loose. Communion is the cup of the covenant that says everything I have is yours. Communion turns things around.

Psalm 23:5 goes on to say that our head is anointed with oil (destroy yokes, remove enemy and change situations) and our cup overflows. Psalm 23:6 says goodness and mercy follow us (everywhere all the time). Even at night when your sleeping. Fear is broken all the days of our lives and we dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.

Colossians 2:15 says that He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him. Jesus went into the pit of hell and took the keys of the kingdom away from the devil before He rose to heaven. When we take communion we are reminding the devil what Jesus has done and the promises we can stand on. If the devil is bothering you in any area or all areas take Communion. It will break strong holds in your life.

Acts 2:42-46 says they were continuing breaking bread so we should also. I take Communion for everything. If we need money, healing, whatever the need it will work. There is faith involved in that though. You have to know what Jesus has done for you on the cross and believe He loves you and wants you forgiven, healed, prosperous and living in victory.

In every celebration you have a meal why not have communion and have God's power. At a wedding meal take communion and bless that marriage from the start. When you get married everything she owns is his and everything he owns is hers. It's the same way with Jesus. Communion is the cup of the covenant that says everything I have is yours.

Jesus gave us beauty for ashes.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God's love

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Fall in love with the ordinary. Dare to believe that the minor details of your life matter to God. You are much more than pretty…you are wonderfully made. You are much more than likeable…you are deeply loved. You are the spice of life, created to bring zest and flavor to the world around you just by being yourself.

I believe that people don't know the love God has. We all believe in God in some form. You need to fall in love with the Word of God to see His love like never before.

In the bible is everything we will ever need to live in this world. When you know that God loves you it just makes your life different. Nothing can happen to you that God can't handle. Thing is we don't let Him handle it. We try to handle life on our own. That old saying let go and let God is so true.

Most don't know either that the Creator of the Universe wants to take care of you. He says give Him all your burdens. When you give your burdens to Him though remember to leave them there don't take them back.

If you are not convinced of His love just look at what He created. Watch a sunset it is beautiful. I get to see them from my patio.

My prayer for you is that you know His love and give Him all your burdens.

Talk to God from you heart it will heal you.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Armour of God

I was reminded again also how important putting on the whole armour of God is. I received this confession back in 1986 when I was a babe in Christ. It came from a Mary McCullough from New life for Jesus in TX. She says it all here.

Father, Lead me not into temptation today but deliver me from evil. (Matt 6:13). I will not let the devil take advantage of me (2Cor. 2:11) and sift me as wheat (Luke 22:31). I trust in You alone to provide an escape from all temptations (1Cor 10:13). My strength comes from the power of the Lord as I clothe myself with the whole armor of God (Eph 6:11-17).

The Belt of Truth – I will fill my innermost parts with Your truth.

The Breastplate of Righteousness – Your Righteousness will protect my heart, for out of it flow’s the issues of life.

The Readiness of The Gospel of Peace – Gives me the stability to proclaim the Gospel (that Jesus died, was buried and rose again) to those in my path today.

The Shield of Faith – I lift up the shield of faith which does not keep me from the battle, but protects me in the midst of it!

The Helmet of Salvation – I will shelter my mind from Satan’s attacks of doubt, depression and discouragement with the helmet of salvation.

The Sword of the Spirit – I will use Your sword, which is the Word of God, to defeat the devil.

The Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness – I make a decision to praise You in all things today, no matter what.

I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS: I am Redeemed out of the hand of Satan (Ps. 107:2). I am Cleansed continually from all sins (1John 1:7). I am Justified and made righteous through faith (Rom. 5:9). I am Sanctified, made holy and set apart to God (Heb. 13:12). I am Free from the fear of hell and death (Rm. 8:2, Gal. 3:13). I am healed of all sickness and disease (Is. 53:5) and guilt (Rm. 8:1). I am Forgiven (Eph. 1:7) and all my sins forgotten (Is. 43:25). I know Satan is a bluff, a liar and a thief (Jn. 8:44, 10:10). Satan has no place, no power and no unsettled claims against me (Rm. 8:33-34). On the Cross the battle was won and Satan was made a public display. (Col. 2:14-15). I have authority over ALL the powers of darkness and I fear nothing (Lk. 10:19). I have the same power in me that rose Jesus from the dead (Rm. 8:11). Jesus and His power are the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). I can do all things through Christ who strengths me (Phil. 4:13). I overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony and I love not my life unto death (Rev. 12:11).

Father, I ask that every carnal prayer, every negative statement and every curse spoken against me or by me be broken today in the name of Jesus. I ask that the harvest of negative seeds I have sown be cut short; and the harvest of positive seeds be hastened, for I know that as I have sown so shall I reap. (Gal. 6:7). Fill me with the knowledge of Your will today in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so I may walk in a manner worthy of You, to please You, bearing good fruit and increasing in the knowledge of You (Col. 1:9-10). Isn't that good. I pray we all remember we need to confess that daily.

Healing is for Today

I have a friend who is in need of much healing and money. I say it that way because the devil who we know comes to steal, kill and destroy has been pushing her around since birth.

We all need to be reminded including myself that when Jesus went to the cross He took everything sin, sickness, disease, torment, poverty everything. Then when He died He went into hell and took the keys to the kingdom away from the devil and gave us authority to do the same. The bible says whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven. We need to bind him up so he doesn't steal from us anymore. When we don't feel good or things aren't working out for us we tend to keep our mouth shut but we need to speak up and bind the devil and loose the angels.

This goes together with the last post on words but it is worth repeating over and over until we get it. Jesus loves and died for us so we could have the best happy life walking in what He gave us. Salvation, Health, Protection, and Wealth.

Jesus wasn't poor, sick, or afraid as Religion has taught us so find the Scriptures you need to stand on and stand on them.

My friend I pray for you and anybody else that needs healing and money. I say in Jesus name devil you must take your hands off of _______. She is a child of the living God and you can't have her. God created her whole and whole she will be in Jesus name. You will release her from your grips and pay her back what you have stolen from her. She will live out her life in faith, health, wealth, protection and peace so she can continue to do what the Lord has for her to do in Jesus name. Amen

Thank you Father for loving us, healing us and providing for us. Thank you for making us in right standing with You.

For those of you who want to make some money on companies you are already using you might want to check out the website on the right Wealth in Today's World.

Have the best day and remember Jesus is Lord over all!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Words

Today listening to church on the Internet I had another revelation of something that I already thought I knew. In John 10:10 Jesus says the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. Most of us know that Scripture well and if you don't you need to.

 In Psalms 103:20-21 it says Bless the Lord, you His angels, Mighty in strength, who perform His Word, Obeying the voice of His Word! Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, You who serve Him, doing His will. I have known these two Scriptures for a long time but today another revelation hit me when I heard him explain about it.

 All angels even the fallen ones (demons) were created the same and that is to obey words. If you are speaking God's Word the good angels will bring to you whatever you are speaking. Since fallen angels had been created to do the same but now they don't work with God anymore when we speak words of doubt or unbelief or negative words they will also bring it to pass. That means as Christians our words better be positive and from the Word of our God. We want God's angels always working on our behalf.

 I have been a positive person for a very long time. I got a hold of the Scripture many years ago in Proverbs 18:21 that says we have the power of life and death in our tongue and we will eat the fruit of it. So do I ever say anything negative? Yes I do but today I will try harder to stop speaking negative.

I have had a issue with my ears that started out they were itching badly inside. Now its on the outside of the ear and I have itched it sore. My eyes are puffing and itchy and I know that they are all connected. Here is what the problem is. People notice it on my face because it is visible. So instead of speaking healing about the situation and putting God's angels on the case I take the time to tell people the whole story how it started.

It's easy to talk about how we are feeling because then we get others to feel for us also. When we keep talking about it though with our own mouth the fallen angels are making sure we have what we are saying. I am going to a ear doctor in a few days and I will let the number one specialist God Almighty work with the doctor to have my healing manifest because I am healed by Jesus stripes.

So I shared that with you so you can check yourself. Are you saying good words or bad words. Who is working on your behalf? It's easy to understand now about Proverbs 18:10 that says the name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run into it and they are safe. My prayer for you is check yourself and see what kind of words you are speaking and if you need to change your words to be words of life you do so.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I had been babysitting for my niece so my husband and I decided to buy a brand new car with the income I was making. Right after the decision to do that the babysitting job ended. Oh well my God supplies my every need.

I ran a add to find another child to sit for. Meanwhile we went and brought ourselves a 1989 Pontiac Grand Am. That was an exciting moment in our life. The car was great and the first time either one of us had a brand new vehicle. When no calls came on the babysitting ad I wasn’t discouraged about it.

Standing on faith isn’t always easy but it will always work. When waiting on God for anything be careful because the thief may interfere with thoughts of doubt. The Lord always provides. Remember doubt comes but just keep speaking faith words. Whatever is in your heart will come out your mouth.

 Ruth chapter 2 says that Ruth went to the fields to glean among the ears of grain and the owner of the field Boaz saw her and asked who she was. They told him and Boaz told his servants to make sure that it wasn’t hard for her to find food but to leave it right out there so she could easily find it. God has given all of us a Boaz and maybe more than one. You just have to pray for God to send yours. Little did I know mine was on the way.

 Since know calls came in on the babysitting ad I decided to go another route I ran an ad to do housecleaning. Since we were enrolling Kim into a Christian school the following year they let me run the ad in there school paper. It wasn’t long and I received a call from a builder that had some new apartment buildings that he needed to have the hallways cleaned once a week. I took the job and went to work for him but I did it self employed. God sent my Boaz. While looking for domestic cleaning God gave me commercial cleaning which makes more money.

Kim my daughter went with me to work and we met this young woman that lived there that took care of Kim while I was cleaning and they did all kinds of fun things together. Holly enjoyed having somebody to visit with and Kim enjoyed doing things with her. She was a blessing to both of us.

When I started cleaning there was only three apartment buildings that needed to be cleaned. I got paid by the month so on payday I would pay our tithe and car payment. The builder was still building and every time a building was completed I would clean it so when Kim started Christian school I paid tithe, car payment and school payment. Soon there was enough cleaning that once tithe, car payment and schooling was paid for I could do whatever I wanted to with the rest of the money.

Owning your own time by owning your own business is a good way to go when you have young children because you set your schedule to the school schedule. I was able to do field trips, have lunch with the kids or whatever came up. In the end the builder had twelve apartment buildings in all. He also built new homes and duplexes which I cleaned with the help of my wonderful husband. Those apartments are still there and when I see them since now I am older all I can say is Lord how did we ever clean all those buildings? I believe that that builder taking me under his wing and giving me all that work is how God opened the door to real prosperity in our life. Increase and blessings just kept coming.

God is so good and so providing that I received a call on that old ad that I had run for the babysitting long after I ran the ad. The woman was looking for a babysitter for her child that was the same age as Kim and lived right in our neighborhood. My God had it so she still had the newspaper with my ad in it. God will move heaven and earth for you if that’s what you believe.

Since I love to clean and my daughter needed a playmate none of this was really work yet I got paid. Praise my God! I worked in the morning cleaning hallways and was home in the afternoon with the children. This is one of my many testimonies from my journal. My prayer for you is that you know God loves us all the same. What He does for me He will do for you.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Do you know how to pray? Are you hard on yourself when you think that you aren't praying enough? God's grace and mercy is new every morning so stop being so hard on yourself.

I was watching one of my favorite Christian speakers the other morning on TV. He is a man of integrity and I believe and respect what he has to say. He said that he doesn't pray very often. He just talks to the Lord. That took a load off of my shoulders because I don't always pray as I should and then I condemn myself about it. I do however talk to the Lord all day long. God is a fellow shipping God, He longs to talk with us. He is the only one that you can count on all the time. Just reach out and talk with Him like you would talk to a friend that you can see. God is unseen but always there. He loves our fellowship and you will feel better when your done.

I had somebody tell me in my own home that she didn't think we should talk about religion. First off when she said that to me I hadn't been talking about religion I had been talking about Christianity. There is a big difference between the two. I might be stepping on toes now but I need to. Religion is mans way and Christianity is God's way.

My prayer for you today is that you just let go and just talk to God about everything. Cry if you need to but just let go. He wants all your burdens, wants and desires. He is waiting on you.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What is a Friend

Proverbs 17:17 says that A friend loves at all times. The Bible also says that a friend sticks closer than glue.(Not sure where that one is found)

 Recently I had asked our best friends to write a forward for a book I am writing. What is a friend? A friend is someone that thinks more highly of you than you do. I know that I don't always live up to what they had to say about me. That's OK though it gives me a goal to work towards. They have been such a good influence on my husband and I. We learn so much from both of them.

When we get together we know that Jesus is present because it says where two or more are gathered He is in the midst. Friends will be with you for your ups as well as your downs. Where one is weak the other is strong. God has seasons for everything and through the years I have called others friends.

Others we call friends that come and go are put in our path for a season they either need what we can offer them or we may need what they can offer us. Never underestimate what you can offer the world. The bible also says that we are a friend of God. The God of the universe calls us His friend.

You wonder can it get any better than that. Yes it can because not only does the God of the universe know your name He loves you so much He sent Jesus to die on the cross. Jesus didn't just take our sins to the cross He took everything we will ever need in this lifetime. Our sins are forgiven but He didn't stop there. Jesus died for everything, our sickness, proverty, our fear, whatever is not good in this world Jesus took it to the cross for us. Now He sits at the right hand of God making intercesion for us. He is praying for you. Aren't you glad you know Him?

My prayer for you is that in your lifetime in this world that you would have wonderful best friends like my husband and I are blessed with. Ask God to send you a friend that sticks closer than glue if you need one. Ask Him for whatever you need.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Babes in Christ

1Peter 2:2 like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation. As babes in Christ we desire milk since we are babes. As time goes on we must move on to solid food.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Ephesians 4:11-12 - He gave us some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; As Christians we have so much out there that we are without excuse to learn. To me it is just overwhelming how many ministries are out there.

We are told to be ministries if we are born again. We should be walking bibles to this world. We must love unbelievers with God's love and not act like we are better than they are. I remember when I first got saved I just figured that if I told people what the bible says about being born again people would listen.

 Life is always going to have lessons to learn. Some good and some bad. In Christ everything is made easier because we can trust He will always figure it out. My prayer for you today is that you tune into the Word as well as what God gave us in Eph. the five fold ministries. There is so much to learn from all of them as well.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Baby Faith

Ever wonder what that means baby faith? Baby faith is taking God at His word, believing what He says. Back when I first got saved and started reading the bible I jumped in with both feet.

One of my first Scriptures that really came to life is Romans 4:17. Abraham called into being that which did not exist. The home we lived in at the time had a one stall garage and my husband wanted to build a bigger one. The only way to do that at the time was to take out a loan. A neighbor at the time was getting ready to build a new garage and had all the lumber sitting in his yard. I prayed a prayer based on Romans 4:17 and believed God for our own pile of wood to build our garage. Everyday when I pulled in and out of my driveway and passed that neighbor's pile of wood I thanked the Lord for our pile.

God does work in mysterious ways. My husband had taken out a life insurance policy when he was younger and the Rep called and wanted to get together with us. I put him off because I assumed he just wanted to sell us more. I think after the third time I gave in and let him come over. He sat at our table and said that the policy was overpaid by Two Thousand Dollars.

I did what any other woman would have done at that time I put out my hand and said give it to me. He went on to tell me it wasn't that easy but I knew it was because God was behind it. That night we took out a family life insurance policy and canceled the other one and received the check for the money. We built our new garage 24X32, it was huge.

 There is many more things that I believed God for and that Scripture became quite popular with me. I will continue to write more about it.

Our garage right now isn't so huge and it is attached so there is no room to add on to so we build a shed for the overflow.

  My prayer for you is that you reach out with baby faith if you have to and just let go and know that God wants to bless you.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mother Nature

For this time of the year we are having more rain than normal. The weather people call it mother nature. I know that they are refering to God execpt I don't believe for one moment that it is God.

The bible clearly states in John 10:10 that the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. The thief is the devil. Kill, steal and destroy God isn't behind it. Read it for yourself. God is a good God and very loving. He loves everyone of us even in our sin.

God wants us all to have a personal relationship with Him and trust Him in times like this. Times are going to get worse according to the bible before the second coming of Jesus. Reach out to Him because He is there if you just invite Him. I watch God work in my life everyday. If you woke up with breath this morning God gave it to you.

Life has it's ups and downs but with the Lord you can handle them all. I pray that everybody comes to the knowledge of knowing Jesus died on the cross for everybody. Ask Him into your heart today and trust Him with the rest of your life.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Past Memories

I went to the eye doctor today and he is located in one of our old neighborhoods. I love to go back in time sometimes because it shows me again all the blessings that my wonderful God has bestowed on me.

I saw the park that our family went biking to, the Hansens Dairy that is now closed down and some of the homes of old friends.

This was the first home that we had purchased so my kids were younger, my oldest around 11 and my youngest just 2. I would take that time back in a hearbeat. I loved being a stay at home mom with the kids. If you are a mom and you want to stay at home with your children and think that you can't afford it just do it. The stuff that you think you need in this life will come and come right when you need it. That is how it happen for us.

I am older now and realize the more you have the more you have to take care of. This home had a three season's porch and the kids loved it. The two windows on the porch side didn't have screens on them so the kids could crawl in and out from there room to the porch. They made tents and what not out there. I loved to sit out there and read.

I remember a time on a Saturday a neighbor watched our youngest daughter Kim walk down the driveway and turn the corner to go down the block. He called us so we were able to go right after her and we asked her where she was going and she said to meet her sister at school. That could of been a close call except the Lord always has His angels watching over us. Psalm 91 has always been a comfort to me in this day and age that we live. If you haven't read it you should. I read it everyday over my family. It is God's promise to us if we believe that.

We watched our Jodi go from Elementary school to Middle school to graduating from high school. My children are both long time out of high school and I am very proud of the young women that they have become. It won't be long and they will have there own husbands, children and memories.

I pray that as you read this today that your life is as blessed as mine.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Psalm 139

“O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit or stand. When far away you know my every thought. You chart the paths ahead of me, and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment, you know where I am. You know what I am going to say before I even say it. You both precede and follow me, and place your hand of blessing on my head. Psalm 139.

 It is so true God knows where we are every minute. Some might think that to be scarry but I don't. I want God to always know where I am just as we always know He never leaves us or forsakes us.

 I am learning about this blog stuff and having a good time in the process. I have always liked to write down my thoughts. I wrote what I call Dear Jesus letters here and there over the years so I decided to write a book about my life since I became born again. It was easy to do because of those letters. Anything that I had forgotton I found in those letters. I encourage you all to do the same.

I just wrote about where our life was and everything that God was doing. God is so good. I get all choked up when I reread them. God's goodness is overwhelming to me. It's Monday and I normally get all my work done for the week and then I can do what I want but the lawn motor won't start. I proably will go try it again otherwise I have to wait until tomorrow unless it is raining.

God says our steps are ordered by Him and even though it wasn't on the schedule for tomorrow we have to always trust Him. He knows best even when we don't realize it at the time.

 I pray for all of you that you have everything you need and that you know without a shadow of doubt how much God loves you.

 Have a good one.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

God never leaves us or forsakes us.

I am so glad that I serve a God that is with us twenty four hours a day. He said that He would never leave us or forsake us. That is a promise and we can believe it. I wouldn't want to ever be in this world without Him. He knows us better than anybody else ever could.

We need to continue to know Him more and more everyday and when we do we can trust Him more and more. Give God the big stuff in your life as well as the small stuff. He cares about everything. He loves us unconditionally all the time.

 When my children were younger I would always say to God you are the best babysitter a person could have. Well they are older now and it is still true. We go through nothing in this world that He isn't there with us if we believe.

Tonight the thunder and lighting came with darkness and winds, He doesn't bring that but He is always in the storm with us watching over us. That goes for any kind of storm. I pray for all of you that as I learn to trust Him more and more that you can do the same. He longs for you to call on His name. Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 5, 2010

This is the day the Lord has made!


Everyday is the day the Lord has made. Its not enough to just know about Jesus you have to have a personal relationship with Him. That is what will get you into heaven. Not good works, not baptism, not confirmation. Could we ever really do enough good works anyway to be saved? Not really.
 If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior just ask Him in.

Say this: Heavenly Father, Thank You for loving me. Jesus come into my heart and forgive all my sins. Take over. Show me the way the truth and the Life I can have in You. Be my Lord my Savior. Thank You Lord.

Now get a good Bible, read it and always pray to the Father in Jesus Name.

Have the best day ever! Blessings...

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...