Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Blessed New Year

What will the year 2012 bring? What will any new year bring? If you have put your trust in God you don't have to wonder what the new year brings. It will be exactly what God has planned for you. He has ordained your days, ordered your steps and loves you more than you will ever know.

How do you know that God loves you? Look around and you will find the answer. You didn't literally see Jesus go to the cross for you but you know that the Word says He did. That is God's love that while we were yet sinners Jesus came and died.

I see God's love for me in the husband that He picked just for me. The two daughters that He in trusted to my care. God shows His love in the wonderful friends that He has given me. All day long I see God's love in my day. Little things as well as big things He does for me.

The Bible says that everything will work to our good because we love God and we are called for His purpose. What is God's purpose? We are suppose to be like Jesus. That means walking as He did. He wants us to show the love of Christ to others in our actions. It isn't always easy. In this world some people are just down right mean. Heck just spending time with siblings is sometimes a challenge.

So if you are a blood bought child of the King 2012 will be full of wonderful surprises. I believe 2012 will be the manifestation of allot of things that you have been trusting the Lord to do for you. If we are walking in His love and grace we can't go wrong. The Bible says that if we have accepted His Righteousness and His Grace we will reign with Jesus.

I am looking forward to seeing the many many blessings that He has for me. You need to do that also. Be in expectancy of what our wonderful God wants to do for you. He shows His love in the things that He does for us. That will always be His way.

In my 27 years of being a Christian my God has never let me down. Do you know Him? If you don't you need to. 2012 will be a better year for you when you have taken His promise of eternal life.

If you don't know Jesus just invite Him today. Ask Him to forgive your sins and be your Saviour.

Be Blessed in 2012!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Blessed Christmas!

Christmas week already. The best time of the year to preach Jesus. My prayer for all you is that you personally know the babe in the manger that came to us through Christmas.

The Jesus that left His home in heaven at His Father's request. He was born. He came to this earth. He died a brutal death on the cross. He went into the pit of hell because He needed to take the keys of the kingdom that the devil posses away from him.

Then God raised Him from the dead and He sits at the right hand of the Father with the holes in His hands and side as a witness.

The Bible says that Jesus makes intercession for all of us. What He did on the cross is what makes intercession for us. He gave us the full package. Salvation, Healing & Prosperity. Don't just trust Him for your salvation but take all He offers.

If we don't walk in the fullness that Jesus died to give us it is taking His name in vain. We always think that when we hear someone swear God's name they are taking His name in vain. I believe that to be true but also when we take for granted what Jesus died to give us we also take His name in vain.

Ricky Van Shelton a born again believer sings it so well.

C is for the Christ Child born upon this day.
H for Herald Angels in the night.
R means our Redeemer
I means Israel
S is for the stars that shown so bright.
T is for three wise men they who traveled so far.
M is for the manger where He laid.
A is all He stands for.
S means Shepherds came.

My friend Father, Son and Holy Spirit love you so very much. They are reaching out to you. All you have to do is reach back to them. May your Christmas be the best blessed day and go on with you forever. Remember Christmas isn't just a one day gift the gift goes on and on and on.

Monday, December 12, 2011


If you’re not familiar with whom Joseph Prince is he is a powerful man of God. He has open up the Old Testament to me like I have never seen before. I was mostly a New Testament reader till now. I like the New Testament more because the Old is written under the law but because of the sacrifice of Jesus we are not under law but under grace.

Joseph Prince is talking about condemnation. We all know what that is because it is a big tool that the devil uses against us if we let him.
In his teachings he had a picture of a plant roots and all. He named some of the leaves on the plant Sickness, Poverty etc. If we are sick we pray and believe for healing. Same for poverty we pray for money. Here is the problem. We can’t just pray it away. In any situation we always have to deal with the roots.
He had the roots listed first stress, second fear and the very bottom was condemnation. The deepest root of them all was condemnation. So in order to kill the leaves you have to kill the root.

We can all quote Romans 8:1 that says therefore now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Verse 2, 3 & 4 says: For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.  
When you get condemned you get into fear, when there is fear there is stress. Then along comes sickness or poverty or whatever is attacking you. He says condemnation is the worst one.

We are new creatures in Christ. We are made the Righteousness of God because of the cross. We have to not allow the devil to condemn us.
If we were to illustrate a tree for Adam one of Adam’s leaves would have been poverty. If you go to the root of the problem concerning his poverty you will find all three stress, fear and condemnation. 
When Adam ate the apple he was condemned. He knew he did wrong. He hid in the bushes because he was afraid. He was stressed because God told him that he would have to work by the sweat of his brow.
We all know when we have fallen short as Christians. We just have to make sure that we don’t let the devil take advantage of us and condemn us. We need to plead the blood of Jesus over our minds.

1 Corth. 15:56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. We don’t live under law we live under grace. Grace comes to us in the person of Jesus. Thank You Jesus. 

The law is the strength of sin. The law was not given by God. It was given by Moses. Jesus finished the law for us. The law was given to show men there sin.
So many preachers preach about sin and death. They need to preach about why it happens. Get to the root of it all. Generational curses all started with a root. Most of the time if you trace those roots back you will discover more than maybe you wanted to know.

Sickness has stress at its root. Remove the root and the plant will die.
Again based on 1 Corth.15 he said that he has gone to pray for people in hospitable and they are gasping for there last breath (sting of death) caused by sin back to Adam.
The law always demands, grace will always supply. God promises to deliver us from the power of sin not the presence of sin. We live in this world so sin is always going to be around us.
Paul new the law back to front. He was trained to be a Pharisee. Paul said that he knew the law so well he knew he was sinning. The more I tried to keep the law the harder it was.

If the devil gets you into stress he won’t stop there. He will continue to condemn you.  
In chapter 7 of Romans Paul struggles with the law. He talks about sin and not wanting to do it but says in verse 20 But if I am doing the very thing I do not wish, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. We are all born into the sin nature because of Adam.

If you feel you have to forgive the same person more than once a day that is the devil accusing you? You are not under condemnation and you need to tell him that. Once you forgive somebody it’s over.
We never have to be condemned again. God had to punish sin so He sent Jesus. Jesus was condemned with our sins. From the beginning of our life to the end our sins are on Jesus.

In the story of the prodigal son the law says he should have been stoned to death for what he had done. Instead he got a kiss, a new robe and he was embraced by his Father. Our God our Father our dad wants to do the same for all of us. The next time the devil is whipping you around with condemnation arrest him and tell him you aren’t going to put up with it. The cross gives you the right. Jesus paid it all.

The gateway of life to the Holy Spirit is Romans 8:1. It is also the doorway to life and victory. Read Chapter 1 and see how many times the Holy Spirit is mentioned.
Ever notice the devil never condemns you about your good points.

Rev 12:10-11 the accuser of our brethren has been cast down. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. Romans 8:1 needs to be in your heart.

Jesus paid for all the broken law. The blood of Jesus speaks. He disarmed principalities. No weapon formed against us prospers.

He told a story about when he was a teacher one of the girls in his class was missing. He put the blood of Jesus over her and prayed for her. Later this girl was release from the man that took her but she was the only one released. The blood spoke.

We overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb. When taking communion the Bible says that this cup is a new covenant. We go through troubles in this world because we are called by God. We walk through the valley of the shadow of death. We walk through we don’t stay there.

The devil comes against leaders with condemnation. Why? He has no other weapon says the Lord.

Remember when Jesus caught the woman in adulty? He said I don’t condemn you.
Three times Peter denied Jesus and said he didn’t know Him. Peter was under no condemnation. I am sure he felt bad about denying Jesus but he got over it and went on to preach to others.

If someone is condemning you for things they know you have done in the past tell them you don’t know that person. You are a new creation in Christ. The old is passed away and all has become new.

We can’t use this message the wrong way. You can’t on purpose lie, cheat or steal and say I am not under condemnation.

Cover yourself with that precious blood of Jesus. It speaks more than you will ever no.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Saved for Us

Did you know that God doesn't hide things from us He hides them for us. I was listening to brother Jesse this morning saying that and giving a testimony about the goodness of God.

He needed to buy some property so he sought the Lord about it. The property he found was 2 million dollars. The Lord told him to offer them Three Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars for it.

When God told Jesse the price He also told him where and when the closing on the property would be held. Jesse called the place and made an appointment. They had still not accepted his offer. The company did call and reduce the price once to 1.7 million and then again to 1.2 million. Jesse just kept saying what he would give them.

The day of the closing he had the check made out to this company and went to the closing. They came in and accepted the check and left. Jesse found out later I believe it was the same day that the company he just purchased from got into trouble and all there property was seized from them.

Don't ask God for what you want and then give up if it doesn't come as quick as you need it to. Be patient. Don't try to help God bring it to you either. God will bring it when He sees fit. Trust me it isn't going to be the way you thought either.

All things are possible only believe. The babe in the manger gave it all for you and me. He is no respecter of persons. What He did for Jesse He will do for you. He loves you more than you will ever know. He is reaching out to you reach back to Him.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wear God on the Outside

This morning I was listening to a sermon talking about wearing your cloths inside out. By doing that the label of the person that made the product will show. As Christians we should always let others see our label. We should always desire to show this world that we belong to Christ.

He took a can of coke and asked a few people in the front row if they were afraid of the can of coke. Of course they said no. He asked them again but this time he was shaking the can of coke. We all know what happens if we shake a can of soda and then open it. The people in the front row thought he was going to do that so they were all leaning away from him. The example was to show us that we need to shake up the devil and not be afraid of him.

If we are wearing our God label on the outside the devil knows we have authority over him. He can roar all he wants to but he knows the blood of Jesus defeated him.

God gave us a manual it is call the Bible.  We buy new vehicles that come with a manual and we read it because we want to know about that vehicle. Same with God. We need to read His manual to find out how much He loves us and what He gave us. We need to shake up the devil using that manual. That manual tells us all about our authority over the devil. The devil keeps us from reading it. He knows what is in it.

So let's dust off our Bible's and dig in. It is amazing what we find in there.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Haunting & Consequences

I heard two good sermons this morning and wanted to share them with you. Jentezen Franklin and James Merrit.

Jentezen was talking about the haunting of the Ghost. James was talking about consequences.

The two sermons go together. The Bible says that God never leaves us or forsakes us. Since God is a three in one God that also means the Holy Ghost. God sees all. Sometimes we don't like that but it is the truth. We as Christians can never go anywhere out of God's view.

I myself will never figure out the Trinity. I don't have to. I just have to know that God so loved me that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for me. I know that when Jesus died on the cross God rose Him from the dead. When that happened God sent His Spirit to be a part of me. So three in one God.

Every day I thank God, I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and my family and I welcome the Holy Spirit to be anywhere myself or my family is. When I do that I expect that the Holy Spirit will lead us, guide us, teach us, talk to us and keep us.

It works the same way if we are about to go somewhere we don't belong, say something we shouldn't say, eat something we should stay away from or hang with somebody God says we should stay away from. Jentezen called it haunting. The Holy Ghost will always be faithful to haunt us so we stay out of trouble. The question is are we going to listen to Him?

James Merritt said do you suffer consequences by the things you do? Yes with every wrong thing we do in life we are going to suffer consequences. If your like me when you have done something wrong you beat yourself up wondering why did I do that. The Holy Ghost will always be faithful to show us our mistakes. Trust me we don't always like to be told what we are doing wrong but it is easier when God is showing us and not a person. God loves us unconditionally so when He shows us what we do wrong it is because of that love He has for us.

The three in one God is a free gift. Just ask Him to be a part of your life.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dream Stealers

  1. Temporary circumstances. Don’t allow your present circumstances to name your future. They are only temporary.
  2. Divine delays. It doesn’t happen quickly for you. We live in a microwave world but most of the time God works like a slow cooker. Hang in there. God will work in His own time.
  3. False evidence. That is FEAR. False Evidence appearing real. Don’t fall for it.
In Genesis 37 it talks about Joseph’s dream. Joseph’s brothers hated him because he was favored more by the dad and because Joseph told his brothers his dreams. In verse 8 the brothers said “Are you actually going to reign over us? Or are you really going to rule over us?” and of course they hated him ever more. It goes on to say that he had another dream and he related that dream to his father and his father rebuked him.

I have learned that family will always try to steal your dreams. Don’t let them.

The brothers left to pasture the flock in Shechem. You can’t believe it then the dad sends Joseph to check on them. Knowing how they felt he sends the boy he loves to check on all of them. Joseph couldn’t find them and had to inquire about there where abouts. The brothers had moved on to Dothan.

Seeing Joseph from a distance the plots started about putting him to death. Here comes the dreamer they said. The older brother Reuben must have had some fear of God for he said shed no blood instead throw him into this pit. Reuben intended to rescue Joseph later. Didn’t happen.

All that plotting happen while Joseph was still in the distance. When Joseph reached the brothers they stripped him of his tunic and threw him into the empty pit. Then the brothers sat down and had a meal. Amazing to me that families back in the Bible days were just like families now.

While eating they saw the caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead on their way to Egypt. Now here is where everything starts working to Joseph’s good. They think wow lets make some money instead of having his blood on our hands. So they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites. They made twenty shekels of silver.

Now they had to go and tell the dad something. They took the tunic and dipped it in to the blood of a goat and returned home. They just gave it to the dad saying we found this. The dad figured a wild beast devoured him. He just didn’t know it was many of wild beasts and they all belonged to him. Jacob was letting false evidence appear real.

Joseph suffered other hardships but God delivered him out of them all. In the end he is second in command in Egypt. His brothers come to buy food from Egypt and Joseph see’s them and tells them who he is. The brothers now have to go home and tell the dad. The dad didn’t believe them. Wouldn’t it of been nice if he hadn’t believed them the first time.

They all lived happily ever after with every need met.

Don’t let anybody steal your dreams! God gives them to you for a reason. He will always fulfill what we believe Him for. Believe Him that your later shall be greater than the past. Who knows what God wants to put you in charge of. Our dreams never have to die. As long as we believe in them and believe in God we will have them.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Open my ears

I just wanted to share this with you all it came from Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

I know You are speaking, Jesus, because You are my Lord and Saviour. You are responsible for The Blessing of Abraham in my life. Any "ear" problem is always with me-never You. I hear only Your voice. You are faithful and righteous to lead, correct, direct, protect, perfect, forgive, cleanse and teach me. You speak to me clearly about EVERYTHING that pertains to LIFE! Thank You, Jesus, for providing FAITH IN GOD for me. I take it! I HAVE IT! EVERYTHING is going to be ALL-RIGHT!

Hold up your Bible and say this and believe you have what the Bible says. It came from John Osteen.

This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do. Today, I will be taught the Word of God. I boldly confess: my mind is alert. My heart is receptive. I will never be the same. In Jesus' name.  Amen.

What a blessing to have such men of faith to learn from. Trust God for what you need. He is forever faithful.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Debt Cancel

My husband and I were in Michigan for a three day weekend. The colors were changing so the ride was very pretty. While we are there we always go to Agate Beach. I love walking by the water it is so romantic and soothing.

I hadn't been to the beach in a long time but I noticed the Agate's were still plentiful. So if God multiples the agates and He does what do you need multiplied? Your job, your business, what do you want? It is just like the mustard seed. The bible says to have faith like a mustard seed. We all know how little a mustard seed is. There were stones every where you looked. Piles of them. That is God multiplying. He will do that for us. Multiply whatever we need. Our problem is that we have small thinking.

In 1 Chronicles 4:10 is the prayer of Jabez. It's a good prayer and I am going to put the Scripture below but leave the name space empty so you can put your name in it. It says: Now ___ called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that Thou would bless ___ indeed, and enlarge ___ border, and that Thy hand would be with ____, and that Thou would keep ___ from harm, that it may not pain ___!" And God granted ___what she/he requested.

Now that is a prayer that will get results. So what borders do you need to have enlarged? No matter what it is just believe God will do it for you.

Believe your Mortgage will be completely paid off or cancelled. Believe every bill gets paid as it comes in. When your bills come in just tell Jesus He has mail. If you are giving your tithes and offerings you have a right to ask God for money. I believe that you will be blessed even if you don't give but I believe you will be blessed more if your a giver. Believe your body is healed. Believe you family is saved. Whatever border needs to be enlarged just sit down and talk with God about it.

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Verse 9-10 says "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. "See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over kingdoms, To pluck up and break down, To destroy and to overthrow, To build and to plant."

Psalm 139 says God knew us in the womb and ordained our days. He appointed us prophets to the nations. He put His words in our mouth. When we speak His word we get results. He appointed us over nations and kingdoms. We have authority over darkness to destroy and overthrow. Remember also that Psalm 103 says the angels hearken unto the voice of the Lord. They are on assignment when we open our mouth and speak what God says.

We are prophets. A prophet tells of future events. So if we are prophets what are we saying? We need to be saying just what we want. I am sure most of us want the same things. So we should be saying we want to win the lost, we want to have enough money to live in this world, we want to walk in divine health, we want to treat others as God treats us, and we need to be debt free. Believe God He will cancel debt if you believe.

My husband always said that you don't get anything for nothing. Well let me tell you he can't say that anymore. Years ago we went to the store and bought a thousand dollar stereo. I think we had six months to pay for it before the interest was tacked onto it. Anyway we made a couple of payments.

One day I received a check in the mail for fifty dollars. I didn't know where it came from but the bank told me it was good. I cashed it thinking God just blessed us. When the second one came I checked into it a little bit more. The checks were the payments that we had made. I asked why are you sending our money back and to my surprise they told me our account was paid in full. I told them no it wasn't and told them what we owed. I got no where so we went to the store. The store just put us on the phone with the same company that I talked to earlier just a different person. We tried to tell them but it fell on deaf ears. We left it at that and never heard another thing.

God blessed us. I know some of you are thinking God doesn't work that way. Remember I tried to tell them we owed the money but nobody listened. God owns everything in this world and He can do whatever He wants to.

I have heard about mortgage's being canceled the same way. Computers are great but you know as well as I do that all the person behind that computer has to do is touch the wrong key and whatever you were working on could be gone. That is what happened at the time of buying the stereo. They were switching over to another credit card company and somewhere we got lost in the shuffle. God gets the glory anyway you look at it.

I find it amazing that people have so much debt nowadays. What we have to remember as Christians is that we have the answer in God. God doesn't want us to have debt. Sometimes we can't get away from it but other times we shouldn't buy things we can't afford.

We need to always be dreamers. See yourself with what you want and need. Years ago my husband and I would go into this furniture store to just look. Before we went in I told him while we are in there let's pretend that we can have whatever we want. It was a fun game. I have a friend that cuts out pictures in magazines of what she wants. It's her vision. Do whatever you have to do to let yourself dream.

Joel Osteen tells the story of when he was trusting God for two acres somewhere. Joel was on a plane and the Lord was talking to him and said look down. What does two acres look like to you. Well from a plane it doesn't look like much at all. God owns it all.

So what are you in need of God to do? Enlarge your border in your business, your health, your family. Pray that Scripture in 1Chroncile's and just have the faith of a mustard seed. Watch God multiply for you like He does the Agate's on the beach. God is amazing. Full of surprises. Tell Him what you need. After He gives it to you be sure to wear your blessing well. Let the glory of God be known.

Monday, September 5, 2011

God is not mad

If you have made Jesus your Saviour and repented from your sins God is not mad at you. The devil is a liar and a thief don't let him steal your peace. John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. God loved us before we loved Him.

Feelings can lie to you also. We need to manage our feelings. If you are a Christian and you have repented from you sins and one particular one keeps coming back to your mind sometime it's not the devil reminding you about it. Sometimes I think its a sin that maybe you have to just zoom in on and talk more about to God so you can let it go. After you do if the devil keeps reminding you about it just praise God you are forgiven and tell the devil it is forgotton.

I have that in my life. When I first got saved I repented from my sins. Sin is sin but there was one that I looked at as a bigger sin. I still thank God all these years later that He forgave me of that sin.

The blood of Jesus covered it all for us. The victory is ours. I believe the blood of Jesus keeps us safe. Every morning I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and my family and everything concerning us.

The blood of Jesus is powerful. Nothing can come against it. Nothing. The devil and all his demons can't whip you if you believe that blood.

I also take communion with my husband or by myself. Don't get caught up in thinking that you have to be in a church building to participate in communion. We are the church.

So today as you are going about your busy day remember that blood that was shed for you if you believe. This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.

God loves you

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You are a Ten

Jesus prayed all night before He chose His disciples. All night is 12 hours.

He didn’t want to just choose the world’s way so He asked His Father. If you look at it then He prayed one hour for each disciple.  

Notice then who He chooses. He chose ordinary people like you and me. Rejects. Peter had a past he was no one special. Paul persecuted Christians. Matthew was a tax collector.

In other parts of the Bible it says Rahab was a harlot. Ruth worshiped idols. It says Jacob was a schemer, a trickster and a swindler. David was a murderer. The writer of those beautiful Psalms was a murderer. All through the Bible the people that worked for God had a past. They were 0’s. Read the stories to see what God made out of them all.

The best people sometimes that God can choose are rejects. They will do the most for Him sometimes. They are looked upon as a 0.

Jesus is #1. So if you take our 0 and His 1 it makes us a 10. Jesus puts value in every 0. As long as the 1 is in front we will always have value.

Take the 1 away and we are nothing.

God has ways of defeating all our giants if we just listen to the Holy Spirit.

For example the philistines were prepared for battle. They were prepared to win. They had goliath and figured how they could be defeated. We all know how God defeated goliath that day. A Sheppard boy knew his calling and went against him in the name of the Lord.

Reinhart told the story when him and his brother would go down by the docks to see the big boats docked there. They could push on the boat and even though it was in the water it didn't move. When the tide came in then it moved. With the tide it started rockin and rollin. 

When we obey the Word of God and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit our tide will come in. Jesus is our rock and we are on His roll.

He said that the Lord told him what Jesus was praying that night back when He was getting ready to choose the 12. Jesus said to God don’t let me choose the world’s way.

It’s kind of the same way when we pray. We pray and ask the Lord what we want of Him and then if you’re like me you might try to show God how he can bring it to you. I have gotten a lot better at that because I have seen to many times the Lord come through in a different way.

We need to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Invite Him to have His way. That voice will never lead us astray and sometimes even keep us safe if we listen.  

Hearing the voice and doing what God is telling us to do is two different things. We need to always remember the Holy Spirit is ever present to help us or guide us or tell us what to do. We need to hear that voice and not follow any other.  

You know that hymn by Dottie Rambo. Holy Spirit thou are welcomed in this place. We need to invite Him. God is a gentle God and won’t push anything on us. James 1:5 says we need to ask God for wisdom. When we do that the Holy Spirit will tell us what we want to know.

He never pushed salvation on us and He will never push anything else on us either. We make the choice to take what He offers.

Remember the Scripture starts with an instruction and ends with a promise. Remember also when reading a Scripture is it past tense or present tense. Present tense means we don’t have to ask for it we already have it we just need to praise and thank Him for it.

I am not a zero and neither are any of you. I have a past and so do you. God doesn’t care about that. It is forgotten. Jesus made us white as snow. We made Jesus our Saviour which makes us a ten. We are in right standing with God. You I and Jesus are together an unbeatable team. We have the victory in Jesus. We need to stop taking His name in vain by not walking in what He died to give us.

So when we go out in the world today and we are rejected by people lets laugh again at the devil. God doesn’t reject us. People will let us down. God will never leave us or forsake us. We need to walk with our heads high and know who we are in Christ.

This is the day the Lord has made for us. We will rejoice and be glad in it.  

What a mighty mighty God we serve. Nothing can defeat us. His grace and mercy are new this morning for all of us. The babe that came in the manger at Christmas time is no longer sleeping in heavenly peace according to Hebrews 7:25 He is daily making intercession for all of us.

We are destroyed by lack of knowledge. The bible doesn’t say we are destroyed by sickness, poverty or sin it says lack of knowledge destroys us.

Today as we go about our day lets remember we have to step out in faith in order for anything to happen. The woman with the issue of blood had to touch the hem of Jesus garment before she was healed. Don’t be so hard on yourself just let go and let God. Relax in the Lord. He will bring everything to pass. Just talk to Him. You don’t have to sit there and pray for hours and hour’s just talk to Him.

The Bible says signs and wonders will follow them that believe. That is a promise.

Psalm 30:5 the favor of  God is for a lifetime. The favor of God is ever present in our lives. We don’t have to pray for favor God said we have it. We just need to thank Him for it. Favor opens door, creates opportunities, accelerates progress and brings great blessings. We need to say every morning the favor of God is going before me that way when we get to where ever we are going it is already there. In our lives and our business’s we need to see the end before we begin. Don’t ever quit dreaming. God wants to see our dreams fulfilled.

1Corth. 2:9 Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. God has our backs; everything is in His control weather we believe it or not. We need to have peace in this world.

See yourself as God’s special treasure. A person of destiny. Know that God’s hands are not tied. You are handpicked by God. We are master pieces created by the most famous artist of all. The one who holds the universe in the palm of His hands has faith in you. We are the spice of life created to bring zest and flavor to the world around us just by being ourselves.

Romans 8:28 says that everything works to our good because we love God and are called for His purpose. What a promise as long as you love God. When we make mistakes God will always turn it around for good.

We are suppose to be blessed, overflowing with God’s provision. We need to have confidence and security in knowing what God gives us will never be taken away. I don’t believe God giveth and God take it away.

God will always see us through. He is always the fourth man in the fire. So if your in the oven waiting on God just wait He will never let you down.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

I speak blessings over all of you. May all your needs, wants and dreams come true in Jesus name. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Destroy for lack of Knowledge

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Colossians 1:9-10 We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding...and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.

The knowledge of God is the foundation for every success in your life. God's knowledge will always produce supernatural results of the abundant life.

So what do you need? We can't lose if we are seeking the knowledge of God. Do you need finances? Ask God what you can do to make money. The Bible says that God will give us witty inventions.

Do you need healing. Ask God for knowledge on how to be healed and then stay healed. Maybe it is as simple as you needing to eat right. Ask God.

Do you need Knowledge of the Word. Ask God to make it come alive for you when you read.

God has so much for us but we never ask. We aren't suppose to just be surviving in this world we are suppose to be thriving in every area of our life. We should be blessed Spirit, Soul and Body, Spiritually, Physically and Financially. God owns the world. He wants to give it to us.

I don't know about you but I am going to take it. I want it all. If I don't have enough I can't help others. I will be a world over comer.

We need to stop limiting God. Jesse says we all hate limits. He says that we hate diets because it limits our food intake. We hate to stand in line because it limits our time. A lack of money limits what we can buy and how we live.

So why do we limit God? Lack of knowledge on knowing what He has for us. It's funny that we read His Word about be born again or saved and followed His instructions by asking Jesus to forgive our sins and live in our hearts. But then we stop right there.

The provision of Jesus wasn't just for salvation as you have heard me say many times before. I will never stop saying it either.

God wants us saved, healed, delivered and prosperous. We have His Word on it. So whatever it is that you need today stop being destroyed by lack of knowledge. Stop limiting God. Look up repent and tell Him what you need.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I read so many good articles. I wanted to take time to put a few of the nuggets from a article by Terri Savelle Foy.

Matthew 9:28, two blind men asked Jesus to give them their sight. Jesus responded by asking them, "Do you believe I'm able to do this?" Jesus put the responsibility back on them. Without hesitation they answered, "Yes, Lord!"

So when you are asking the Lord to do something for you make sure you really believe He will do it for you.

Before you pray and ask for anything you have to see yourself with it. Faith will see the end result before it is manifested to you.

What is you mind thinking? What are you saying? Terri says that research indicates that people talk to themselves 50,000 times a day! But what they are saying to themselves is negative. Things like: "They don't like me." "I shouldn't have said that." "I am never going to amount to anything." "I'll never lose weight." You get my drift. So what are you saying?

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Get into the Word and change your thoughts and words.

We need to do as Romans 4:17 calling those things that be not as though they were. Make your mouth say the right things. "Thank you, Lord, that people always like me." "Thank you, Lord, I will not say things that I shouldn't." "Thank you, Lord, I will amount to what you want me to be." "Thank you, Lord, I will lose weight." All of this is possible when you change your thought life and control what comes out of your mouth. Speaking the right words will make you stronger in your faith.

Use the right words to talk back to the devil. He is the one that puts them bad thoughts in your mind so they come out of your mouth. Your words will make you or break you.

Clean up your life. Make a choice that you will be a winner not a loser.

We need to pray and then say: 'I trust you Lord!' Say it with an exclamation point not a question mark.

So you have to ignore your feelings, your emotions, and your thoughts. Say what the Word says. Fear comes from the devil. God put fear not 365 times in the Bible. That means we can take a fear not Scripture for every day of the year.

The greatest expression of your faith is praise! When you begin thanking God ahead of time, it opens the door for Him to begin moving in your life. Confuse Satan by praising God. It makes him mad. The devil hates praise.

Magnify God. Give Him more attention. I will tell you that everything will change for the better if you do that. Whatever you magnify becomes larger than anything else. So magnify God!

Sow seed toward your dreams. God wants you to have the desires of your heart. God loves you and will take care of you if you believe and trust Him. Reach out to Him today. You will see that He is reaching back for you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do we blame God?

I have never been one to blame God for anything. I know about the devil and his evil scheme's. Let me tell you that his name fits him well. He is the deceiver.

It wasn't to long ago and the Lord showed me that I was blaming Him without realizing it. I have been trusting the Lord for something the last two years. I would say to God why haven't you done this for me. I think that is the same as blaming. I quickly said I was sorry and what I was trusting Him for has come.

I do believe that you can ask God things about your prayer while you are waiting. Remind Him of His promises. Believe Him for it.  We must remember never to blame Him.

So if your waiting for a prayer to be answered check yourself. How have you been talking to God?

Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


What can be said about death? It is a subject most of us avoid if we don't know where we are spending eternity. You hear most say they died because it was his or her time. When a child dies you hear God needed another angel.

I don't know what book they are reading because that is not what the Bible says at all. In Psalm 91 God himself says that He will satisfies us with long life. Another Scripture in Proverbs says that in one hand is riches and honor and the other hand long life.

We were on vacation this last week only to come home and find out a friend has died. We didn't know him well he was someone we bought supplies from. A very good man that we always enjoyed visiting with. Let me tell you this though it wasn't his time to go. He was in good health not overweight but the thief that comes to kill, to steal and to destroy attacked his body and he was gone. They might of been able to save him but couldn't do surgery because his blood pressure was to high.

I pray all of you know Jesus as your Saviour. The devil doesn't care who you are. He hates you and hates you even more if you love God. He will attack you any chance he gets. If you are a Christian believing in the blood of Jesus we have promises from the Word. In Psalms 91 it also says that God gives His angels charge concerning us to keep us safe in every way. You have to believe that though.

I know about those angels. The devil has tried to kill me more than once. I believe Psalm 91 so I believe that I have angels around me 24/7. My family also is well protected with angels.  On our way home from vacation we were just driving along when a semi wanted our lane. There was a car on one side of us and a semi on the other. The angels were present and all was well.

 Is Jesus your Saviour? He is coming soon but before He comes this world is going to get worse. Accept Him today. He died for you and loves you very much.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blessing over you

This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. For some of us that isn't always easy. Rejoicing in the midst of whatever storm we might be going through. If we are in the midst of a storm that is exactly what we should be doing.

Rejoicing will always bring results. We can never change our circumstances only God can. So when we get all upset about whatever is going on in our lives it changes nothing. God will change every circumstance if we allow Him. I have said it before what are you saying? Our words are so very important. The Bible says we have the power of life and death in our tongue. So in the midst of a storm what are you saying? Think hard about it. Our enemy the devil just wants to kill, to steal and to destroy us as Jesus says in John 10:10. Sometimes the enemy stealing is self inflicted by our own mouth. Don't say what the storm is say just the opposite.

If the devil is attacking you in your health say what God says. By the stripes of Jesus I am healed!  If it's financial say my God supplies all my needs. If it is fear say God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind. Find your promise for whatever you are going through and line your words up with the Scripture.

My husband and I are on vacation. Yesterday as we are driving the devil came with his package that he wanted me to sign for. No way! That is when your words better line up with God's words so you can have the victory. I prayed and spoke good words then I just started praising God by singing songs. It wasn't long and I was feeling better. The word works in every situation. Our flesh doesn't always want to praise but we must get the Word out for our victory to come.

When my children were growing up sometime they came to me in the morning before school and told me they didn't feel well. I always told them to get ready for school but if after they were ready they still didn't feel well they could stay home. Most of the time after they were ready they ended up going to school because once they were up and doing something they felt better. The devil loves to see us down so when we give into a attack on our body and just lie around feeling sorry for our self we will not get the victory we need. We all need couch days but not because we are sick.

So what is your storm? I pray that you are blessed Spiritually, physically and financially. I pray that all your needs are met according to God's riches in Christ Jesus. I pray that you know that sickness and disease comes right from the pit of hell and stand on the fact that Jesus went to the cross just for that. I pray that every Christian knows that Jesus wasn't poor and we don't have to be either. So many promises in the Word about provision we should never go without.

Don't be in the dark about what Jesus did for you on the cross. Darkness is from hell. When you are afraid of the dark what do you do? You turn on the light. Jesus is our light turn Him on. Speak boldly to your situation and see God work results.

I pray you have every need met today. You need to make Jesus your Saviour if you haven't already. That is what is required of you in order to enter Heaven when your life here is over. It's a shame but allot of Christian's stop there yet there is so much more Jesus died to give us. Get your Bible out and find out what God says about your situations.

So this is the day the Lord has made rejoice and be glad in it. God loves you, Jesus died for you and the Holy Spirit was sent to help you, guide you and to comfort you. Reach out to Him today He is waiting to reach out to you.

So when someone says to you how are you? Instead of telling them how you really are how about saying I am blessed beyond measure. If any of you listen to Dave Ramsey on the radio when someone says to him how are you his reply is better than I deserve. He is a Christian that knows what God has given him. Be blessed!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hidden Wealth

Isaiah 45:3 - And I will give you the treasure of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places in order that you may know that it is I the Lord God of Israel who calls you by your name.

Another translation says I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

As Christians do we believe what that says? Some of us do. Others think that God wants us to be poor or barely getting by in this world. How that must hurt God's heart when we don't take what He wants to give us.  

I hear people say it isn't all about money.  Yes it is. Take a married couple for example that never has enough money. What happens? Stress, fighting and maybe divorce. That can't be God's will since He said that He hates divorce. We will always need money to live on this earth and much more than we needed before.

There are so many Scriptures that speak of God's faithfulness to us when we are faithful to Him.

Without money how would we preach the gospel? We wouldn't. How would churches make it? Without money we would have to live sponging off of everybody else.

God's prosperity starts with tithing. Ten percent isn't really allot when you look at it. It is only ten cents on every dollar. Our paychecks for example are many one dollar bills so it just looks like a lot more. It is still just ten cents on every dollar. That is all God wants back from us. He gave us the ninety percent to spend.

We need to all be tither's in this day and age. We have the promise from Malachi that after we tithe God will open the windows of heaven and pour us blessing we don't even have room to contain. He goes on to say He will rebuke the devour for our sake.

We have to start somewhere and tithing is a good place to start. Then there are offerings to give. One of promises that follow is: Give and it shall be given onto you good measure, pressed down shaken together will man give onto you.

Man will give onto you. The word says that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. Who is righteous? We are if we made Jesus our Saviour.

I looked up some of the definition's for the words in that Scripture. Here is what I found.

The definition of treasure is money, jewels or precious metals stored up or hoarded. Something of great worth or value. A collection of precious things. A person esteemed as rare or precious.

The definition of wealth is abundance of valuable material possessions or resources. Abundant supply.
Abundance of valuable material possessions or resources.

Abundance means a large amount of something, an abundant amount of something. Some synonyms for abundance are: barrel, basketful, heap, multiplicity, plenitude, ton and truckload.

Hidden means being out of sight or not readily apparent. Concealed.

Secret means kept from knowledge or view.

Hidden wealth of secret places. Psalm 91 verse 1 talks about dwelling in the secret place of the Most High God. The meaning of dwell is to live as a resident. We are residents of the Most High God. Our home is with Him when we leave this earth. Heaven has a street of gold. There is wealth there. Since we have never seen the wealth in Heaven it is hidden to us. The same God has hidden wealth for us on this earth.

Ever notice how when you are praying for something and after you get done you also think you know how God will bring it in for you? Notice that He doesn't bring it the way you thought. He brings it in a whole different way. He does it His way. Hidden Wealth in secret places.

I have a home business that I am so glad God didn't hide from me. It's wonderful. We have a Godly president of the company. He started this business not because he needed the money but because he wanted to help others make it in this world. I intend to be a millionaire in this business. Why? So I can always have money to help others. That should always be our heart.

Everybody needs to have there own business. In this one I market for things all of us are already using. No change in buying habits. I would love to give more info so email me if you are serious about changing your family finances. (email at the top of page) The only person that gets rich at your job is your boss. Owning your own business means owning your time.

I don't know about you but I am about to have the wealth in hidden places.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Are you Discipline

I like listening to Joyce Meyers. She is so good and so down to earth. She says that you can't stand on faith for big things when you don't even have faith over the little things like dirty dishes in the sink.

She is right. In this world we need discipline more than ever. The Bible also says that a lazy man shouldn't eat.

Lazy and discipline go together. Are you lazy or are you undisciplined? In this world we need to be disciplined so we are not lazy.

How can we ask God for other things when we can't believe Him to help us to get our house cleaned. God gave us our home's. If we don't take care of them why should He give us anything else.

I am a very organized person. I want everything to have it's own place. Nothing wrong with that. I don't think I go as overboard with organizing like I use to. Also organizing things comfort me. My husband spends time in the basement when he needs to unwind. He makes things from wood. That works for him for me I just find some area in the house and reorganize it. It's like eating comfort food with no taste or calories.

So getting back to the question. Are you unorganized because your lazy? Do something about it. Clean your room while organizing what has to be organized. Paint that kitchen where the paint is peeling. Mow that hay field you call a yard. Whatever it takes just do it then you will be ready to go to God and ask for the bigger things.

God says when He can trust you over the little things He will set you over bigger things.

Start this new day the right way TGIF Today God is First. When we put Him first He will put us first. When we show Him our disciplined lives He will be able to move on our behalf. Trust Him today you might be surprised!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


On the authority of the Holy Word I rise up and take my stand. I'm a blood bought child of the Living God who is the Great I am. I'm an heir to all that heaven holds and no principality can ever take away my royal crown given on His authority. The words come from Suzanne Jennings and Bill Gaither. Actually they come from the Bible but Suzanne and Bill put them in a song. Google the song you will love it. The name of it is On the Authority. Bill Gaither did the music for it.

 Powerful and true are those words. We need to always rise up against the schemes of the devil with the Word of God. Remind him that you are blood bought and he will not harass you in any way. Remind him for example that those are your children given to you by God and he can't have them. If your body needs healing remind him that by Jesus stripes you are healed. He has to listen to that name of Jesus. The Bible says every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. That includes the devil. Don't wait until glory to have victory have it now.

God is bigger than anything we will ever go through on this earth. When you said the sinners prayer and made Jesus your Saviour if you stopped there it isn't enough. You have to receive Him as your Lord also. Make Him Lord of everything in your life. Put Him in charge. You will see results.

Heirs to the Kingdom of God. Isn't that cool? Anything in heaven we can have on earth. Street of gold, pearly gates, no want, no tears, no lack. That's all waiting for us someday. Let's believe and take all that right now. God wants to give it to us.

Don't let the devil steal from you. Demand it back in Jesus name.

I pray God will open your eyes to all that Jesus died to give you. Be blessed!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kill, Steal & Destroy

John 10:10 says the thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I (Jesus) came that they might have life, and might have it more abundantly.

1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Don't let it be you roar back at him in Jesus name.

In this life we will be attacked. The Bible tells us so. We have authority to overcome it in Jesus name. Actually if you are being attacked that tells you the devil is mad because you are living for God. Don't worry though God is bigger than him and the victory and testimony is yours.
We will always win the battle. The battle belongs to the Lord. Don't give the devil an open door for attack. Make sure you are living for God and doing His will. Don't chum with the wrong people, watch the wrong movies, go to the wrong places.

We can't chum with the whole world. We aren't meant to do everything this world offer to us. I believe some things are just meant for us not to touch. When we don't follow God we open the door for the devil's attacks. Proverbs says that a bad friend corrupts good morals. I taught that to my kids but it holds true for everyone young and older. If we are hanging with the wrong people doing the wrong things we will get into trouble. When we are spending times with the wrong people the ones that we should be with encouraging are left behind.

So don't let the devil come your way to steal, kill or destroy. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and you can't go wrong.

While my children were growing up I had to forbid certain activities and friends. I don't for one minute regret how I raised my children. The little things that we think aren't important or don't matter really do.

For example one of my daughters use to spend some time in the summer with my sister. In that town was a restaurant they went to often. I was in that restaurant once and the hair on my arm stood up. I knew that some of their decorations or beliefs were evil. I always let her go stay with my sister but told her she wasn't allowed in that restaurant. Did she listen to me? Yes she did.

With the same sister my daughter would go to Great America. A theme park in IL. She had permission from me to go but she was told not to go on any rides that had the name devil in them. We think things like that don't matter. I believe they do.

We have to be parents to our children not friends. God put them in our care and He is their to help train them if we ask. Proverbs says to train them in the way they should go and they will not depart from it when they are older.

The second part of the Scripture John 10:10 Jesus says that we might have life and might have it more abundantly.

That word might say’s to me we have a choice to chose life. It also says that after we choose life we also have the choice to choose to have that life more abundantly.

It is our choice if we are going to take God at His word. Are we going to walk in everything God gave us? If we don't walk in it we are taking Jesus name in vain. Salvation, healing, prosperity and victory belong to us.

Jesus died a horrible death on the cross for all of us to have abundant life.

Abundantly means: In large quantities, rich, abounding with, marked with great plenty, amply supplied, occurring in abundance.

Abundance means: wealth, relative degree of plentifulness.

We need to accept the whole package in order to live abundantly on this earth.

The bible says that all our sins are forgiven and forgotten. We are saved by grace through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God. That gives us abundant life.

We are healed by Jesus stripes. The victory belongs to us before the devil tries anything. That gives us abundant life.

Ps 112:3 Wealth and riches are in our home. We have prosperity in this world. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for us. That gives us the abundant life. Don't be one of those Christians that think God doesn't have wealth for us. How can we help others if we don't have wealth?

We have authority over the devil that gives us life abundantly.

We have the favor of the Lord that gives us life abundantly.

We have the authority to lose and bind on this earth that gives us life abundantly.

The victory always belongs to believers that gives us life abundantly.

So when the devil steals from us we have to demand it back. The bible says in Proverbs 6:31 but when he is found, he must repay sevenfold; He must give all the substance of his house. Let’s demand everything he owes us back in Jesus name.

Let's remember to do what Eph. 6 tells us to do. Put on the full armor of God. (If you look at the blogs from 2010 and find Aug. 26 you will find a very good confession on the armour of God. Or you can just put armour in the search box at the top).

Be Blessed we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.


Praise Him in the morning and praise Him in the evening. The Bible instructs us to do that. It isn't hard when you know how much He loves all of us.

He will never leave us or forsake us. What a promise. The Holy Spirit is always there to lead us, guide us, comfort us and protect us.

I pray for every person reading this. I pray that you all know the difference between Jesus being your Saviour and Jesus being your Lord. To enter in the gates of heaven you just have to know the Saviour part. Jesus died for your sins. Take it one step further and make Him Lord. Lord of everything in your life. Look to Him for everything you will ever need.

God wants to give us His best. We have to reach out and take it.

Have the best day and be blessed coming in and be blessed going out.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Let God Change You

I heard someone talk about change the other day in a whole different way. He was teaching the Word and said that he has learned powerful truths about God's word from lots of people. He went on to say that the one person that he has learned the most from was his one year old son.

He talked about change and compared it to changing a diaper. If we don't change a baby's diaper it will stink. I know that we all know that. Most of us don't like that word change but it is a good word. I like change and being a Christian I have seen it quite often. The same old thing all the time doesn't make you grow.

Anyway one day he was taking the child out of his crib and he said let daddy change your diaper. We should always let God change us. Our plans are not always His plans. The Bible says that our steps are ordered by the Lord. I tell God in the morning what my plans are and then I tell Him that He can change them if He needs to. Sometimes He does but sometimes He doesn't.

We should always welcome change in our lives. It makes us grow. It makes us better. It teaches us to learn other things. It helps us not to stink. Without change life would become dull to all of us. So let God have His way and change you if He needs to. He knows best and loves you very much.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It is Written - It is Finished

Jesus gave us three simple words "It is Written!" Simple words that hold so much power. What does those three words mean to you?

It is written that God so loved all of us that He sent His only begotten Son that who so ever believes in Him will have eternal life.

It is written that we are saved by grace not by works.

It is written that Jesus is the way the truth and the life.

It is written that as believer God gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us. To guide us to comfort us, to lead us and to counsel us.

It is written that we are the head and not the tail. We are above and not beneath. We are blessed coming in and blessed going out.

It is written that no weapon formed against us will prosper and every tongue will be condemned.

It is written that we are healed in the Name of Jesus.

It is written that God supplies our every need.

It is written that we have authority to bind things on earth that are not of God.

How about the words "It is finished!" As Jesus hung on the cross at one point He said that it is finished. What's finished? Every promise in the Word of God is now fulfilled because of the death of Jesus. Jesus finished it. He paid it all. Now we just have to make sure He didn't do it in vain. We need to use those words against our enemy.

Don't let the devil or this world steal what belongs to you as a Christian. Tell the devil in Jesus name it is written and it is finished.

Do you need something special from God today. Go to the Word and find your It is written promise that you need. I know its in there just for you.

Running on Low

Funny story that wasn’t so funny at the time to my husband. The gas gauge on my car wasn’t working so we had to be careful to make sure we kept the tank full. We could put 300 miles on one tank then I knew we needed to fill up.

As we were coming home from Church one Sunday we ran out of gas. We were right by a parking lot so we knew we just had to get the car from the street to the lot.

Not as easy as it looked. I was recovering from a hysterectomy and my daughter that was with us had heels on so she wouldn’t be much help either. So my husband had to get our car in that parking lot. Oh yeah did I mention it was a Chevy Lumina.

Since most men don’t like to ask for help I don’t even remember if I suggested it. So I got behind the wheel while he pushed. He did just fine as I knew he would. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. The hardest part was pushing it into the driveway of the lot since it was a little hill. With the car in the lot now he goes to get the gas. What a blessing it was to have to stations right there on that corner.

He walks across the street to the gas station and found the man that should of been behind the counter was standing right there. He said that he got himself locked out of his cubby hole. He was a bigger man and the only way he could get in was to crawl through this window but he didn’t fit. My husband offered to climb through the window and let the man in. He gets the man back inside borrows a gas can and the car is moving again. It was too funny. The only one not laughing was my husband. I am so thankful that my God supplies my every need.

That is what happens to us a Christian’s. We run out of gas spiritually. My car was totally out of gas so it just stopped running. The same thing will happen to us if we don’t renew our mind with the Word. 

If we need healing in our body or money in our pocket but we wait until we are sick or broke then try to renew our minds it doesn’t work. We need to already have it in our heart so if we are sick or broke the Word in us will just rise up and take care of the situation.

I am sometimes lazy about reading the Word but I watch a lot of Christian TV and listen to Christian music. It doesn’t matter how you get the Word you just need to get it.

The Word works. We just need to keep our tanks full.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Unequally Yoked

The Bible says that we are not suppose to be unequally yoked. What does that mean? It means that you shouldn't yoke yourself together with someone that isn't like faith. I know that there are those of you that think it doesn't matter. Well guess again. If God gave us the instruction we had better listen..

As a born again believer I know the importance of not being unequally yoked. Take marriage for example. You have Catholics married to Lutherans. Is that okay? Well you tell me. On Sunday one spouse goes to his church and the other spouse goes to her church. God says that in marriage the two become one, yet come Sunday they are divided.

I did have someone say to me one time you really expect your children to marry someone that believes the same way you do?

The Bible says that if you train up a child in the way they should go when they are old they will not depart from it. So the answer is yes I do except them to marry someone of like faith.

What God has joined together let no man separate. Do you think He was kidding. He was not. He says in the Bible that He hates divorce.

So if you have two people that are split on what they believe that is a open door for destruction. Trust me I know two people right now with very different beliefs. If they would marry it wouldn't last long at all. You can't do it. A house divided against itself can not stand.

So when you start dating someone find out what they believe. Do they believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father? Do they believe in Father, Son and Holy Spirit? It is worth finding the answer to those questions. If they believe Jesus the rest of their beliefs should fall into place. It doesn't hurt though to know. Remember the Bible says the truth will set you free.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Prayer for you

Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost, just a lot of reward. Make sure you pray, and pray believing God will answer. May today be all you need it to be. May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit restore your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight, and conquer all your fears. May God manifest Himself today in ways you have never experienced. May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer, and your prayers be answered.. I pray that faith enters a new height for you; I pray that your territory is enlarged. I pray for peace, healing, health, happiness, prosperity, joy, true and undying love for God. Be blessed!

The tongue

I get on the phone with a group of Christians in the morning for a wonderful inspirational call. That time on the call is just wonderful and a blessing. The man that does the teaching on the call has such an anointing from God.

If you read my blog you will see that I talk about the words of our mouth quite often. Well he said something the other day on the call and it got my attention. He said that his belief is that the only way the devil can get at us is through our mouth.

I had to think about what he said and wonder is that the only way the enemy can get us? Yes everything in life is centered on our thoughts and words.  I learned about the mouth years ago and have been teaching that to people ever since. The Bible says we have the power of life and death in our tongue. So we will always have what we are saying.

So if you are speaking words of poverty that is exactly what you will get. If you are talking fear instead of faith you will be afraid, if you believe you aren't forgiven then you won't be. If you talk about being sick you will be. If you dwell on the bad things that could happen they will.

Joyce Meyers has a book the battlefield of the mind. I read it many years ago and it's good. Think about it God says what is in your heart comes out of your mouth. First though it's in your mind. You make the decision where it goes from there. If it's a bad thought you need to get rid of it in Jesus name. If it's a good thought and you dwell on it and it goes to your heart it's okay that it comes out of your mouth. Are you understanding what I mean?

I have to always overcome fear so the devil knows that I am weak in that area. The thoughts come but I have to rebuke them and give them to the Lord. I do that as often as I have to. Also the area of not being afraid gets better everyday in Jesus name.

 Do you know those people for example that say every year in Nov. I get the flu? Are you one them? I know people that say that and that is exactly what they get. When people say things to me that aren't faith or are bad confessions about me or my family I turn the words back. We don't have to receive them in Jesus name.

So it's true what ever comes out of our mouth is what gives the enemy room to come in. So think before you speak.

My daughter says that men tend to not filter what comes out of their mouth. She says it enters their minds and they just speak without thinking. That is really true but it's true with all of us. Maybe men tend to not be as careful about it. You know what I mean. If your like me you speak to fast sometimes. The words are out there and you can't take them back. You wonder why did I say that. Your words have power to destroy don't let them.

Your words should always be positive but not just about yourself. If you are speaking bad words about others be careful because what you sow you reap. That is God' promise. We all want to reap the good things we say but remember we will reap the bad things we say also. Its a two way street.

I don't know about you but I will continue to be careful about what I say. God wants us speaking love and faith filled words.

So let today be a new day for you. If you are a person that doesn't filter before you speak you need to learn to do that. Be positive and your words will be also. God loves you and always will.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I've heard it said that you can overcome anything in life except a bad attitude. The bad attitude that you put in your mind will control how you think about every situation. The constant downplaying of yourself with your words is what will destroy any chance you have for a great future, so you need to replace those thoughts with something good. I realize that's easier said than done, but it's still very important.
Don't let yourself think things like "I never win" or "No one in my family has ever succeeded." You need to think about the future in a positive way if you want something positive to happen.
Along with a positive attitude comes courage. It's easy to have courage when things are going your way, but when things aren't going so well, that's when you really need it. We all experience problems in our lives, but those are the times that we can grow as people if we have the courage to do so.
We all have times when we aren't sure of ourselves. For example, I used to be afraid of public speaking, just like I'm sure you have your own fears. The way you succeed in your life is to act in spite of that fear. It's that action that will make fear go away.
Stay positive and courageous as you work to achieve your goals. I wish you all the best in your business and in all aspects of your life.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Are you set free

You know with all the different Religions, Faiths and Cults a person wonders is mine the right one? Is mine the one that will give me a home in heaven when my life is over.

A simple answer to that question is does what you believe in set you free? Do you have confidence that when you die you will be present with the Lord as the Bible puts it? Or are you afraid of death? If you wonder about the after life and where you will go then I have to say you are unsure of your belief. It doesn't set you free.

Jesus said the truth will set you free. What is the truth? Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Him according to the Word.

Reading the Bible over and over again doesn't mean anything to God. Head and heart knowledge is two different things. Head knowledge is just memorizing and knowing what you just read. Heart knowledge is reading and letting it sink into your heart. The Word says that out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks. That means whatever is in your heart will come out your mouth.

It's funny to me when someone says something to you that isn't good. After they say it they say I was only kidding. No they weren't. What they just said to you they wanted to say. It was in their heart.

So what is my truth that has set me free. According to John 3:3 Jesus says you must be born again to enter heaven. He didn't say if you are a good person, or you read your Bible straight through four times, or you live in poverty for me you will be saved. He said be born again.

If you don't like the saying born again then you can go to Romans 10:9-10 where it says that if you confess with your mouth Jesus and believe in your heart you will be saved.

People say that the Bible is to hard to understand. Some of it maybe. Some of it is in such plain language that you can't misunderstand it. Like the ten commandment. We all understand them.

So are you set free in you belief? Jesus is coming soon so if your not I suggest you better figure it out.

I eat well

Joyce Meyers says that every morning she confesses I eat well, I look good, feel good and I will do what God has for me today.

I have always said that our words are so important and they are according to God. What is your confession? You can make it what ever you want. So today sit down and think about what you want from God and line your words up with it. Confess it every morning.

Here is a good one for Born again believers. Every morning when you wake up say I am born again, spirit filled, tongue talking, devil chasing, prayer warrior child of the King. I guarantee that you start your day confessing that you will never be the same.

Are you born again? Did you make Jesus your Saviour? He is waiting just ask Him to forgive your sins and come and live into your heart. Then live for Him.

May your day be all it needs to be. Be blessed.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is The Bible True

Interesting sermon at church today. Have you ever run into someone that said to you the Bible was written so many years ago and each writer tells it differently so it can't be true.

I know we all remember when 9/11 happened. It was a very sad day for this world. With all the different news channels that we have and all the people that witnessed it they all had their own story to tell.

100 years from now when someone is reading about 9/11 and listening to all the different stories on what happen are they going to say that it never happened? I don't think so. If that is the case how could we believe anything that is written in history books or any book for that matter.

The Bible is as true as the nose God gave you. Today many people that read it have there own idea on what it means. That doesn't make it untrue.  Sometimes we read the Bible and make it say what we want it to say. Then sometimes we take only half the Scripture and run with it.

Remember a Scripture usually starts out with a instruction and is followed by a promise. Don't take the promise and forget about the instruction.

So are you one of those that think the Holy Spirit didn't write the Bible? Well you better reconsider that thought.

With all the different Religions and cults in this world how can you know which one to believe? You believe the one that tells you the truth. The Bible is full of prophecy that is happening as I write this. What God says is going to happen always happens. Do you know that the Bible even talks about twin towers in the Bible coming down. Again not that He did it He just knew what would go on in this world.

God wasn't behind 9/11 as some of you think. It's sad at how many died. The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. Always remember that. There were also many testimonies that day.

It's just like Katrina. God wasn't behind that either. Man was at fault with the Levy's that weren't taken care of over the years and the devil used that as a chance to steal. The news which is always hard to believe anyway told you what they wanted you to hear. I know that many of the ministries that I follow gave millions of dollars to those victims but you never heard about that.

So can you believe everything you hear and see. Not everything but one thing is for sure. The Author of the Bible God Almighty is one sure thing in this world that is believable.

Open your Bibles and get to know the one and only God. Get the piece in your heart that tells you I am serving the one true God.

Jesus is the only way to salvation. He did it all for you. He loves you.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blood of Jesus

There is never enough said about the wonderful blood of Jesus. It cleanses us of our past and redeems our future. It is the fulfillment of everything we need to be able to live in this earth.

Every morning I name the members of my family and apply the blood of Jesus over us and what concerns us. I apply the blood over our body, souls and our spirits as well as our minds, our will and our emotions. I apply it over what we eat, drink, say and do. What we listen to, our health, our travels, our relationships, our finances, our identity's, bank accounts, our jobs, business, property and vehicles.

I know what that blood has done for me and I want to be covered. I have witnessed in my life and family where there could of been disasters. The blood covered us so the devil didn't win.

Jehovah Shalom means God our peace. The peace that passes all understanding. I don't know about you but I need to have the peace of God while I am living in this world. The blood gives me that peace.

It's funny because people that know me think I have everything in control all the time. I have the same enemy that you all have. When I was a child growing up I was scared allot. That followed me as a young adult. It didn't start to go away until I was saved and learned where fear came from. It comes straight from the pit of hell.

The devil will attack you where he know he might win. I still get afraid sometimes but now I know that God didn't give me that spirit of fear and that I don't have to be tormented by it. Yes anything that comes from the devil is torment. The blood of Jesus doesn't always keep us from the battle but it will always protects us in the midst of it.

So under the blood of Jesus I am saved, healed, redeemed, prosperous, free from fear, hell and death. That says it all.

So if you are not under the covering of that powerful blood get saved and the blood of Jesus is yours to claim.

Be blessed in the name above all names JESUS!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Not a pretty word. Or is it. It all depends on you and what you believe that determines where you go when you die. Where is eternity for you.

Some people think that when you are dead you just sleep so it doesn't matter if you go to heaven or hell. That is so far from the truth. Heaven and Hell are real places. You are alive no matter which one you choose to go to. Hell is torment but Heaven is where God is and your love ones.

Today is a very sad day for my daughter and her guy. A brother has gone home to be with the Lord. I believe in Psalm 91 that says we shall live long on this earth. Did he live long on this earth. No. He died earlier than he should of.

The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. He is the one that steals life early. God always gets the blame but the devil is the thief according to John 10:10.

Are you going to heaven when you die or will you choose hell. Make your decision today don't wait.

Be blessed!

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...